Fundamentals of aeroelasticity  

Course Contents This course provides an introduction to the physical and analytical aspects of aeroelasticity. The breakdown of the course is: 1. Introduction to aeroelasticity and aeroelastic phenomena 2. Illustration of aeroelastic phenomena using simplified aerodynamic and structural models 3. Aerodynamic models for aeroelastic analysis 4. Structural models for aeroelastic analysis 5. Aeroelastic response to gust excitation 6. Aeroelastic models in state-space format 7. Aeroelastic aspects in the design of aircraft 8. Numerical aeroelastic calculations using custom-programmed software. Study Goals At the end of the course the student should: 1. understand the physical processes which drive aeroelastic phenomena. 2. be able to formulate and solve aeroelastic response and instability problems. 3. be able to identify strengths and weaknesses of different aerodynamic and structural models for the analysis of a given aeroelastic condition. 4. be familiar with the role of aeroelasticity in aircraft design. 5. be able to program and solve simplified aeroelastic problems
Fundamentals of aeroelasticity

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